For some time now, I have been trying to come to terms with living without money. In theory I know that money is nothing but paper that is
accepted as inately valuable for as long as the government controls it´s people and forces them to use their
special money. If you don´t have their
special money they will take your property or freedom in place of their
special money. Just try to pay your taxes with corn and see the results you recieve. You will lose your farm.
I believe that the universe or god is unlimited and full of potential, and therefor I put my faith in the universe rather than the government to provide for me. All I must do is plant my crops and take full advantage of the opportunities that are presented to me. If I follow these basic rules then I will never go hungry or be of need.
So, that is the goal, the philosophy that I live by, but I still cling to my old habits and try to keep a little
stash of cash for a rainy day. Just in case, god forgets about me or I miss the hint that I should have acted on a given opportunity and did not.
Now is the time to take off the training wheels and live without money and trust completely in god to provide us with what we need to remain healthy and happy. It is an exciting time, I expect to fall down once or twice, but in the end I am looking forward to the freedom of living in the NOW and not worrying so much about the future. The illusion of security that money in the bank can give you is being discarded.