
Monday, May 30, 2011

Retaining Wall Completed

This retaining wall is located directly above and behind our house.

View last years post about the project here,
We began last September, but had to wait for the wet weather to end before moving forward.

We needed to be sure this wall cannot fall, especialy after moving the mountainside and altering millions of years of soil and rock sedimentation.

We dug a 40 cm deep by 70 cm wide trench and then filled it with stones and concrete, in order to provide a stable foundation.

Next, we used 30cm concrete block reiniforced with iron and poured concrete.

In order to transport the concrete to the site we used a high density polyethelene tube.

We hired two local workers to help with the project. Below you can see the three man team making progress.

The finished wall meets the approval of the boss and baby boy.

Next we will add manure to the soil and plant the garden with sun loving tomatoes. This location is completely protected from the wind and gets twelve hours of direct sun in the summer.
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