These fantastic fish were caught only hours before we got them and made sushi!
Our Chestnut trees are turning a lovely color this year and producing plenty of nuts.
In the United States and Canada they have a tradition of ‘giving thanks’ on one day out of every year. It is a time to reflect on the bounty and benevolence of our universe and to gather with friends in celebration of our unlimited grace.
So much has happened in the past years that it is difficult to know where to begin. We have had a whirlwind of events, people and projects surround us and uplift us.
Our humble cottage in the forest could only be accessed via a foot path one year before, the nearest road was more than a kilometer away ‘as the crow flies’. All materials brought to our farm had to be transported on foot or by using our zip line. Deadly trees still hovered over our roof, making every storm a potential disaster.
In an amazing series of synchronistic events that defy human comprehension, the universe has blessed our humble endeavor with its grace.
This year we have a road to our house directly, all the dangerous trees are cut and have been safely moved out of harm’s way; and we have built an annex to our cottage.
In addition, we have received a beautiful baby boy to share our idyllic life with.
Our gardens are thriving with the increased sunlight available due to the overhanging trees being removed. We were also able to build three new retaining walls that receive the maximum sunlight available throughout the seasons.
Our winter crops are more abundant this winter than we imagined possible.
Magnus was honored to be chosen as helper for the annual Holy Spirit Festival and Luncheon. This ancient tradition deserves an entire blog post of its own to explain.
In short, it has been a fun filled and adventurous year and we are Thankful for all the fabulous changes in our lives; and eagerly awaiting more!