We are without a vehicle or phone line, so we do not have the opportunity to use the internet often. We will try to write more explanatory blogs as time allows, in the mean time enjoy the photos of our project.
Mitra will be turning 1 and Odin will be 3 this August Both boys are thriving with sunshine and love and healthy foods. They don’t seem to mind living in a construction zone.
The Hydro-Electric project has been functional for one year now. It is not completed, but works fantastically as is. In time we will maximize its output.
The view from our backyard. So much concrete work and terraforming yet to do.
Our primary banana patch is expanding yearly where jungle stood before.
We are getting lovely bunches of fresh fruit more frequently as the roots dig into the rich valley soil and the sun penetrates where forest shadowed before.
The citrus orchard with limes and sweet oranges that is home to our chicken flock is completed fenced now. This allows us to gather ALL the eggs that are laid daily.
The chicken manure feeds the fruit trees and the chickens eat the weeds and pests for us. On average we gather 6 eggs daily.
We are doubling the size of our flock this year to replace old chickens as needed. Soon we should have a surplus of eggs to store for winter.
The road to our house is getting a bit bushy without traffic. We decided to “ring-bark” the remaining large Eucalyptus trees rather than risk dropping them.
Our front yard with an amazing view of the Atlantic Ocean.
The primary vegetable gardens making use of the stone walls we hand built so long ago.
Our house and front yard.
Our lemon tree and grapefruit are producing fruit regularly now after we planted them in 2008.
We want to start a new blog site, as we are so much more than ‘Magnus and Konswan’ at this point. Whenever time allows us to create the new site we will post a link to the new page.
For those who helped us resolve the driving license fiasco, THANK YOU!
Magnus now has a Portuguese drivers license and no problems with the Portuguese police after paying a 200 Euro fine for driving with an United States Drivers License for over 90 days.
I miss you guys and am super-impressed with the progress. If the Gods smile upon us, one day we aspire to visit... perhaps never to return home... LOL.
We both miss and love you greatly and we are dying for Mikayla to meet Odin and Mitra.
- Mike, Karla & Mikayla Toler
Hello Magnus & Konswan! Portugal & Costa Rica fusion (me and my beloved partner) is inspired & glad to find you guys! We are willing to come, visit, build, and share our imagination,energy and knowledge to create and make this paradise a part of our lives. We would love to read you back guys as soon as possible! here is our contact : hijadesumadre@gmail.com & rafaelcosta13 @live.com.pt
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