We had cut all but 2 small Acacias, when they blew over onto another larger Cryptomeria and Eucalyptus, causing a domino effect. Not good for the garden.
With strong winds fore casted, we decided to cut down a heavily leaning Eucalyptus behind our house. The steel cable we used to control the falling direction snapped and 5 tons of wood came crashing down on our bathroom slab. Not good for the bathroom.
Realizing we did not have the experience or tools to cut trees safely, we hired two men to help. Somehow in the translations, (one spoke German and Portuguese, the second German and a little English, and we spoke English and a little Portuguese) the idea to keep the trees out of the garden got mixed up and two Eucalyptus were dropped on top of our cold frames and garden.

So now, we have bought the equipment we need to do the job ourselves. We are reading books and articles to learn proper techniques, and have been practicing on trees away from our house. Hopefully this next year will be without disaster.
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