Odin Indra was born on August 28th on the island of Faial. All went very well for mother and baby throughout labor and delivery.
Tomatoes from around the globe of all different shapes and sizes continue to feed us daily. Our hot peppers are turning red, giving us a perfect mixture of sweetness with heat. The Thai Basil is awesome with curry!
Sweet Leaf Basil and Eggplants complement our mediteranean cuisine. Basil adds a nice aroma to the baby as well.
Butternut squashes with a dab of local butter hits the spot.
Pickle making season is here and we have ample cucumbers and hot peppers to brew up some wicked-tastey medleys.
Solanaceae is one of our favorite families of plants for a good reason. They grow so easily and taste so good. Eggplants and tomatoes never get boring.