
Friday, December 18, 2009

Winter Wool

This is my new cap, made by my wonderful wife, Konswan.

For Christmas, she asked for two ducks a layin, and one cat a mewing. I am not sure if she meant she wanted them in her kitchen, but here they are.

Fruits of Winter

We love living in a Sub Tropical climate!

Most of this came from our farm, but the tree fruits came from a friend near to us.

Our trees will begin producing in the third year hopefully.

Monday, December 14, 2009

When the Sun above fades, that within brightens

We have been under cloudy skies, showered by rain and hail for the past six weeks. The garden continues to grow without the curse of frost, so we remain well fed. The home brew is bubbling along, so we have a pain killer when the cold gets into our bones.

Without sun, we do not have electricity this time of year. And so, with the ever lengthening nights, we find ourselves turning to the heavens for entertainment. When the clouds part, the crisp north wind gives us a spectacular view of the southern sky. Every three days, we can charge the laptop, allowing us research time on the computer.

Using an astronomy program on the computer, Redshift 6, we can find out precisley what stars, nebulae and constellations we are viewing, along with meteor showeres and comets. Humans have been observing the same night sky for thousands of years, religions and empires have come and gone, but the stars remain the same...except for a slight precession that is not important for our recorded history.

With access to the local library, we can dowload 1000´s of pdf files to read at home. If I were forced to have all my books in the traditional papyri or pulp fibre, my entire house would be filled. But any sufficiently advanced technology is akin to magic, and so my little laptop keeps filling up and yet remains the same. And so, my library is growing to approach that of Alexandria.

At this amazing time of year, we can watch as the Eternal Virgin flies across the skies, her belly full and awaiting to give birth to our savior, the Sun, in the coming days of the Solstice.

The ritual slaying of the Bull is replayed each evening, as the Divine Mind slays the beast, and as the Bull is destroyed, the meteor showers fall as blood from its body...Giving its life blood to the coming season of planting. As the Mind conquers the Beast, we prepare for the birth of the Savior in the coming days. The diving Light of Pure Consciousness that lies within all is awaiting rebirth.

It is a beautiful epic that is played for all to see at this time of year in the Norther Hemisphere.

There seems to be a natural inclination for introspection and discovery of those things hidden within at this time of year when the weather forces us to be calm.

It is indeed good to be a human.